Caleb Raney Logo
Campaign Identity
Social Media
Web Design

My Story

June 2020

The Challenge

Old meets the new

Girl Rising needed an identity for their 2020 storytelling initiative. The goal of this campaign was to leverage their audience to help tell unheard stories of how young people are responding to Covid-19 and issues of Racial injustice in America and throughout the world. In order to accomplish this they needed a campaign identity that helped attract young people to enter into the competition.

The Solution

A fresh take on an established brand

Girl Rising wanted me to create an identity with clear ties to their established brand, while also adding in an element of something new. This was a delicate balance where most of the typography, and colors were based on the GR brand, while the image treatment took a new direction.

My Story campaign art

Key Art


The voice of the people

In order to set the tone of the campaign I needed to create key art that was dynamic and vibrant, something that felt communal. In order to do this I ended up creating a collage aesthetic that had a few key elements. Firstly I knew I wanted to involve signs, because this year has become a year of protest, and signs are an important symbol of that. Closely tied to the signs are the images of hands and fists. I wanted to show a clear connection from the messages in the signs to the communities who are speaking out. Lastly I wanted to use a mix of halftone images, and paint textures, these two aesthetics have a long history with protest art, and they felt appropriate to round out the campaign's aesthetic.

My Story Key Art

Social Media


expanding the system

After the Key Art was defined and approved by Girl Rising and HP (Did I mention they were the corporate sponsor?) I had to create social media graphics to help launch the campaign and drive traffic to the website. This involved finding new ways to translate the key art into other aspect ratios and add in supplemental images that helped round out the tone and messaging of the campaign.

social media post of participants
social media post saying we are listening we want to hear your story
social media post of campaign logo
social media post of campaign logo
social media post showing the words "My Story" In different languages
social media post of participants



Creating a dynamic experience

The final, and most intensive, part of the project was creating a separate website for the campaign. Along with a dynamic homepage that helped to guide users through the submission process, Girl Rising wanted to add bi-monthly updates where recent stories are featured. In order to do this efficiently I set up the website to utilize Webflow's CMS so that new submissions could be easily added by the Girl Rising team in a way that kept the website's visual style consistent. In order to help users find specific submissions based on country or organization I implemented a Javascript filter component developed by Finsweet so that users could search stories based on their tags.

screenshot of stories that inspire section
Mobile screenshots of meet the campaign art section
Mobile screenshots of meet the final 15 section
Mobile screenshots of brown ballerinas for change page
screenshot of foundation page

Allie Orth