Caleb Raney Logo
Web Design

Linea 7

November 2020

The Challenge

creating presence

Linea 7 is a multidisciplinary design firm that had an incredible portfolio of work but no online presence or brand identity. They needed a website that matched the elegance and quality of their work in order to gain new leads for future projects.

The Solution

an elegant portfolio

I worked quickly with Linea 7’s team creating several design directions and a website that allowed their beautiful documentation to be front and center supported by tasteful typography and color choices.

Website Screenshot - home page



creating & iterating

Since Linea 7 had no design assets and a clean slate a large part of this project involved narrowing down options and refining the design language for the brand.

I started by creating three initial designs for the homepage to give us several different styles to choose from, they varied from very light and clean using geometric sans serifs to a dark theme with an artsier feel and layouts. We ended up going with Option B which I continued to refine as we moved forward.

Linea 7 Wireframe - Version C
Linea 7 Wireframe - Version B
Linea 7 Wireframe - Version A
Image of building designed by Linea 7

Web Design


creating a dynamic portfolio

Once we had landed on a general design style I dialed in the details using Roc Grotesk as the Display typeface paired with Sweet Sans Pro for body text. For the color palette we went with a dark theme grayscale with a bit of warmth added in to complement the soft lighting used in a lot of Linea 7’s documentation.

With regards to the structure we went for a minimal and easy to navigate experience including a dynamic home page that explained the studio's capabilities, and individual project pages that exhibited the project summary, design features, and images of the final product.

Website Screenshot - Takahiro's home



and... launch

When it came to development I created the website using Webflow, it was a relatively seamless process where I added in interactions built out the CMS structure for the portfolio and ensured the site was completely responsive and mobile optimized.

Mobile Website Screenshot - featured project
Mobile Website Screenshot - Gallery page
Mobile Website Screenshot - Project page
Website Screenshot - our projects section
Website Screenshot - about section
